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PE copia et exige synchrone auget inventarium vel ponere tardus turnover

Mense Augusto expectatur Sinarum PE supplementum (domesticum+ importatum+recyclum) perventurum esse 3.83 decies centena millia talentorum, mensis in mense augmentum 1.98%. Domestice diminutio armorum sustentationis domesticae facta est, cum 6.38% incrementum productionis domesticae ad tempus priorem comparatum. Secundum varietates, resumptio productionis LDPE in Qilu mense Augusto, sileo Zhongtian/Shenhua Xinjiang facultates raedae, et conversio Xinjiang Tianl Maximum tech 200000 talentorum/anno EVA planta ad LDPE signanter aucta LDPE copia, mense uno in mense augmentum 2 cento puncta in productione et copia; HD-LL pretium differentia negativa manet, et ardor LLDPE productionis adhuc princeps est. Quantum autem LLDpe productio manere immutata comparari ad July, cum proportione HDPE productio decrescebat II percentage puncta comparari Iulii.

In terms of importat, in August, fundatur in internationalis foro copia et demanda environment et situ in Medio Oriente, quod expectat quod PE import volumine et declinare comparari ad priorem mensem et altiore gradu ut paulo altior medium gradu. Septembris et October sunt traditional apicem postulant temporum, et expectat quod Pe import opibus et ponere leviter altius gradu, cum menstruam import volumen ex 1.12-1.15 million talent. In anno-on-annus basis, expectata domesticis o importat a August ad October sunt leviter inferior quam idem tempus annum, cum magis significant declinare in altum voltage et linearibus declinare.


In terms of REDIVIVUS PE Supple, pretium differentia inter novam et antiquum materiae manet princeps, et downstream postulant leviter auctus in August. It is expected that the supply of recycled PE will increase month on month; September and October are the peak demand season, and the supply of recycled PE may continue to increase. On a year-on-year basis, the expected comprehensive supply of recycled PE is higher than the same period last year.

In Augusti, comprehensive copia PE expectatur ut proventus, sed Downstream demanda perficientur sit amet mediocris, et PE inventarium turnover est sub pressura. It is expected that the ending inventory will be between neutral and pessimistic expectations. From September to October, both supply and demand of PE increased, and it is expected that the ending inventory of polyethylene will be neutral.

Post tempus: Aug-26-2024